Depression Treatment in San Diego

Depression Is Very Common and Highly Responsive to Treatment.

Crownview Medical Group Is Here to Help

Depression is more than just feeling sad. We all feel low from time to time when life presents unexpected challenges. However, in time, the worries subside and life returns to normal.

Clinical or ‘major’ depression symptoms are quite different to simply ‘feeling down’. Not only does the low feeling not fade, but also it can intensify to a feeling of extreme hopelessness.

Depression Is Highly Responsive to Treatment.

Depression is one of several mood disorders, all of which have a unique set of characteristics and must be accurately diagnosed in order for treatment to be effective. Our multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, therapists and clinicians work together to thoroughly assess each patient and ensure they receive a customized plan of care.

All of our clinicians incorporate the latest scientific techniques into our treatment plans for maximum impact. We’ll choose the right mix of treatment to get you feeling better as quickly as possible.

18 Million Adults in the United States Have Experienced a Major Depressive Episode in the Past Year. Additionally, It Is the Leading Cause of Disability for Ages 15–44.

Depression Signs and Symptoms

Not everyone with depression will have all of these symptoms. The symptoms may vary, such as the following:

  • chronic aches and pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems
  • chronic sad, anxious or empty feelings
  • difficulty concentrating, remembering details or making decisions
  • fatigue
  • feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness or hopelessness
  • irritability or restlessness
  • loss of interest in activities or hobbies that were once enjoyable
  • overeating or loss of appetite
  • problems with sleep
  • thoughts of suicide or making suicide attempts
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Types of Depression

Depression is actually an umbrella term that encompasses several types of conditions. Each type of depression manifests differently. All forms of depression can have mild, moderate, and severe forms.

Clinical Depression

Also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), clinical depression is a severe mood disorder. Common symptoms include pervasive low mood, loss of interest in once pleasurable activities, cognition problems, and suicidal ideation.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder or DMDD is a disorder that is diagnosed in childhood. Children with DMDD have an ongoing pattern of prolonged temper tantrums that are inappropriate for their age and circumstances. A DMDD diagnosis requires that tantrums and severe irritability occur in at least two settings and that symptoms have appeared frequently for at least a year.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) affects around 5% of women. As the name suggests, the disorder is linked to hormonal changes that occur during the two weeks preceding menstruation.   PMDD is characterized by serious symptoms, such as extreme mood swings, depressive symptoms, exaggerated responses to rejection, and high anxiety.

Psychotic Depression

Psychotic depression makes up fewer than 1% of Major Depression Disorder diagnoses.  People with psychotic depression experience visual and auditory hallucinations. These hallucinations mirror depressive symptoms and focus on negative emotions and themes.

Bipolar Depression

Major depressive disorder is often referred to as unipolar depression. This is because people with bipolar disorder oscillate between episodes of depression and mania. While symptoms of bipolar depression are similar to MDD, typical depression treatments can trigger mania in people with bipolar depression. So, people with bipolar depression often require a different treatment plan than that recommended for MDD.

Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression is a type of depression experienced by parents shortly after the birth of their baby. This is because newborns bring additional responsibility and stress. These lifestyle changes can trigger depression. Most women and some men experience short-term postnatal depression, known as the baby blues. The baby blues usually subside after 14 days. However, postnatal depression can persist and progress into the more serious condition, postpartum depression. A smaller subset of people may develop postpartum psychosis, which requires medical attention.

If you are experiencing depressive symptoms, working with a depression therapist in San Diego can help.

What Causes Depression?

Depression is a complicated condition, and researchers are still uncovering the underlying mechanisms that cause the disorder. However, there is some evidence that depression is the result of genetics, circumstances, and impaired brain function.

Common Risk Factors of Depression

While anyone can develop depression, the risk is higher in people with certain risk factors. For example, depression tends to run in families. Also, depression is more common among people who have experienced trauma, such as abuse or the loss of a loved one.

Depression is also a symptom of other illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.  People are also more likely to develop depression if they have another mental illness, such as anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Who Does Depression Affect?

Thousands of people struggle with depression in San Diego and across the county. Nationwide, depression impacts nearly 20 million American adults. Anyone can develop depression after a traumatic or stressful event. However, people with other mental health conditions or disabilities, people from marginalized backgrounds, and individuals in high-stress occupations are more susceptible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some types of depression are preventable. For example, symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression triggered by seasonal changes, can be mitigated with vitamin D supplements and the use of a therapy lamp. Preventative protocols can also reduce the risk of postnatal depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

MDD, DMDD, and bipolar depression may not be preventable, but an effective treatment plan can help patients in becoming emotionally stable.

Technically, there is no magic pill that can get rid of depression. Providers specializing in depression treatment in San Diego will recommend a combination of therapy, medication, and holistic modalities to reduce symptom frequency and severity.  Some forms of depression, such as postnatal depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, dissipate as soon as hormone levels return to normal.

Depression causes several changes in brain function. Studies have shown that depressed brains have lower volumes of grey matter in brain areas associated with planning, memory, and emotional regulation. Depression can also increase cortisol production, a hormone linked to the fight-or-flight response. High cortisol levels can affect neuron growth and communication.

Depression therapy and treatments help improve impaired brain function. For example, using meditation for depression treatment can reduce activity in the brain regions responsible for the fight-or-flight response.

Physical activity is a great way to counter depressive symptoms like low mood and negative thoughts. Less than 90 minutes of exercise per week can significantly improve depression symptoms. Exercises that raise the heart rate, like bike riding or running, reduce stress and anxiety. Calming activities, like yoga and tai chi, are also beneficial for treating depression.


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CA 92118

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