Let’s take a look at Omega-3 fatty acids and it’s affect on our mental health. Why? Because they are not considered “essential nutrients” for no reason. Studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, are natural medicines that aid brain function, as well as brain growth and development. They are known to play a big role in cognitive and behavioral functioning. It is definitely a necessity for human health, but unfortunately, our bodies don’t naturally produce it. This means our bodies depend on our diet to feed it with these nutrients. Because many Americans have a diet low in Omega-3 fatty acids, their bodies (and brains) become deficient and that’s when they experience poor brain performance – memory loss, difficulty focusing, unstable mood swings.
Some sources of Omega-3 fatty acids:
- fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut etc. (preferably wild fish versus farmed fish)
- algae and krill
- some plants and nut oils
- flaxseed
The American diet is full of processed foods that are very high in trans and saturated fat, which we all know as the “bad fats.” Omega-3 fatty acids are the powerful “good fats” that build and develop our brain (which is pretty fatty). They also help with the production of neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that keep us in good mood, such dopamine and serotonin. It also has a relative influence on how we respond to and cope with stress. Omega-3 fatty acids literally build our brain and keep it functioning as it should – why wouldn’t we want that?!
Not only do they help stabilize our mood but it also improves our memory and learning! And aside from bipolar, Omega-3 also helps with depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, and the prevention of dementia. Of course, it doesn’t stop at improving mental health, but this essential nutrient and it’s anti-inflammatory magic are beneficial to our entire body (including our heart and cholesterol).
If our brain has what it needs to function properly, it will lead to healthy balanced moods. Studies have proven that patients who added Omega-3 fatty acids to their treatment, experienced more steady moods and longer remissions. A happy brain means a happy mood!
Bipolar and other related disorders are critical conditions and should not be self medicated. If you are on medication, we do not advise stopping your treatment before talking to your doctor. If you are experiencing symptoms of Bipolar please consult a professional.
If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, please contact a medical professional at Crownview Medical Group. They are trained professionals specializing in treatments and therapy that will help you live life as your best self.
Omega-3 fatty acids. (2013, June 24). University of Maryland Medical Center. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/omega3-fatty-acids
Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Bipolar Disorder: Preliminary Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. (1999, May). JAMA Psychiatry. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=204999
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind: 5 Foods to Improve Mental Health. (2013, January 29). Psychology Today. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/real-healing/201301/healthy-gut-healthy-mind-5-foods-improve-mental-health

Dr. Melden earned his Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine at Philadelphia College Osteopathic Medicine and went to USC Presbyterian Hospital for his residency in Family Medicine. He then completed his Psychiatric residency at the University of California, Irvine and went to UCSD Geropsychiatry pursuing a fellowship. Dr. Melden has over 14 years of experience as a clinician specializing in treating child and adolescent, adult and geriatric clients. He has devoted his life to psychiatry in a variety of different treatment settings including in- patient and out-patient environments. He specializes in the psychiatric evaluation, complementary therapy approaches, and medical management of individuals suffering from mental illness. Currently, he maintains a private practice with Crownview Medical Group in Coronado and Carlsbad, California where he is CEO/President.