How to talk to defensive people

Have you ever offended someone in conversation unintentionally? Perhaps, you’re telling a…

Children with older mothers

Many young girls grow up aspiring to be mothers in their futures. Some of those girls…


Horticultural Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

Just looking out the window at a blooming garden may make you smile, but did you know…

Foods that improve your mood

Even though we might associate our moods with our minds, they can be influenced…

Setting personal boundaries

We hear a lot about saying “yes” more often as a way to open opportunity and step out of…

How to triumph over adversity

Times get hard, not going to lie. However, it gets hard for everyone. So if everyone has…

Can anger be good?

We can unanimously agree that we all want to be happy. That’s what we strive for in life…

Child brains and screen time

Every kid can be bribed with an iPad. They go crazy for screen time. Or maybe it’s the…

Listening to chewing prevents overeating

It’s easy to overeat when we’re having dinner while watching TV or when we’re eating…

Do I drink too much?

When we think of alcoholism, we usually associate it with an addict who drinks all day…

Drugs, alcohol, and nutrients

Because we know drugs and alcohol have a chemical effect on the human body and addiction,…

Comparing ourselves to others isn't as motivating as we think

Sometimes we think it’s a good idea for us to know our competition. Maybe comparing…

How to know if you're in a relationship with a narcissist

It’s hard to recognize being in a relationship with a narcissist while we’re in it. We…

Can who you love change who you are?

It’s interesting to look at the relationship between our identities and our relationships…

Why going to bed early makes us more productive

When we have a lot to do but we’re starting to feel tired, our usual thinking is to stay…

Understanding PTSD

When someone experiences a life threatening situation, it has a dramatic affect on them…

Introverted or lazy?

Am I just introverted or lazy? Solitude is extremely important to introverts. A…

Stay in control in a difficult conversation

There are conversations or people that drain us or make us feel insecure, maybe even…

Reasons to do yoga

Yoga has become more popular these days, entering a more mainstream reach. Some of us…

Why crying is healthy

Did you know that crying is healthy? This makes sense when we say that it’s a type of…

Eating out of habit

We do many things out of habit, operating on autopilot. We experience this easily while…

Controlling your anger

Generally speaking, anger is usually viewed as a negative emotion. However, anger is one…

Forgiveness in relationships benefits the forgiver too

Forgiveness in relationships can be very difficult. Mainly because we all want to feel…

How food affects our mood

“You are what you eat!” We all are definitely familiar with this saying. We tend to hear…