social anxiety

Dealing with Social Anxiety

Clammy hands, a racing heart, thoughts spinning out of control, worrying about what…



Just about every one of us has experienced some form of nightmare in their life. It’s…


Coming home from war - PTSD

Coming Home from War After serving in the military, many look forward to coming home or…

setting boundaries

Setting boundaries with family

Everyone has a different family. Family dynamics can sometimes be the most difficult…

social media envy

Social Media Envy

There are many positive aspects to social media. Indeed, it is a wonderful way to stay…

emotional anchors

Emotional Anchors

The Need For Emotional Anchors Being emotionally stable isn’t something that you’re just…



MANIA! In everyday conversations, we hear individuals throw around the word bipolar. When…

To the parents of toddlers

The Terrible Twos Many of us heard people say, “oh the terrible twos;” however, some…

group therapy

What is Group Therapy

Either in a movie or TV show, you’ve probably seen people sitting in a circle, holding…

sex and marriage

Mommy and Daddy After Dark - Sex and Marriage

Sex and Marriage. Many think the two go together, “like a horse and carriage.”  Whether…


ANGER! We all get grumpy, hangry, cranky, moody, and straight up pissed off.  Anger is a…

Slow money

Slow Money   The road to recovery is a long and bumpy one.  There are many resources…

highs and lows

From Chasing the Highs to Escaping the Lows

Most if not all of those who use, will remember their first “high.” Often that first high…

Stop Putting Off Your Procrastination Problem

Stop Putting Off Your Procrastination Problem   Procrastination -- some call it an…

Marriage Counseling - What to Expect

Marriage Counseling - What to Expect   Marriage counseling has a bad rep. The stigma…

Preventing the Pre-Teen Parent Breakup

Preventing the Pre-Teen Parent Breakup   Something happens to a child when they…

My Best Friend ED: Eating Disorders

My Best Friend ED   Eating Disorders (ED) are ever prevalent in this day and age…


#GOALS With the New Year we are going to see a lot of individuals striving for change, a…

Wrapping Our Minds Around Mindfulness

Wrapping Our Minds Around Mindfulness When first being introduced to Mindfulness or…

Grieving through the holidays

For those who lost a loved one, you know that the holiday season can be particularly…

Baby Blues vs Postpartum Depression

Baby Blues vs Postpartum Depression Very often the term “baby blues” is used…

The Adolescence Roller Coaster

The Adolescence Roller Coaster If you have a teenager in your home, it might seem like…

Making more memories

AM I LOSING MY MIND? Do you ever catch yourself functioning on autopilot? Maybe you pull…

how to live longer with loved ones

LONGEVITY There are benefits we gain as the years add on; we get wiser, experience…

Are you scared of dying?

ARE WE SCARED OF DYING? Dying can be a scary thought for some people. Others might feel…