How to triumph over adversity

Times get hard, not going to lie. However, it gets hard for everyone. So if everyone has…

Can anger be good?

We can unanimously agree that we all want to be happy. That’s what we strive for in life…

Child brains and screen time

Every kid can be bribed with an iPad. They go crazy for screen time. Or maybe it’s the…

Listening to chewing prevents overeating

It’s easy to overeat when we’re having dinner while watching TV or when we’re eating…

Drugs, alcohol, and nutrients

Because we know drugs and alcohol have a chemical effect on the human body and addiction,…

Comparing ourselves to others isn't as motivating as we think

Sometimes we think it’s a good idea for us to know our competition. Maybe comparing…

Why going to bed early makes us more productive

When we have a lot to do but we’re starting to feel tired, our usual thinking is to stay…

self destructive behavior

Understanding Self Destructive Behaviors

Have you realized that something you’ve been doing is actually causing you harm? Do you…

Introverted or lazy?

Am I just introverted or lazy? Solitude is extremely important to introverts. A…

Reasons to do yoga

Yoga has become more popular these days, entering a more mainstream reach. Some of us…

Why crying is healthy

Did you know that crying is healthy? This makes sense when we say that it’s a type of…

Eating out of habit

We do many things out of habit, operating on autopilot. We experience this easily while…

Controlling your anger

Generally speaking, anger is usually viewed as a negative emotion. However, anger is one…

How food affects our mood

“You are what you eat!” We all are definitely familiar with this saying. We tend to hear…

Making decisions and indecisiveness

We are constantly making decisions in our everyday lives. Decisions that affect our lives…

negative thoughts

How to Deal With Negative Thoughts

In life, we can’t control what happens to us but we can definitely control our thoughts…

what does it mean to know yourself

Many philosophers and religions encourage self awareness, to know yourself. But what does…

Change as opportunity

We’re all aware that change is an inevitable part of life. The only way we can grow and…

Free yourself with forgiveness

When someone has wronged you in anyway, your trust in them takes a hit. You’re mostly…

Making decisions locally and globally

When it comes to decision making, it’s said that there are two different perspectives:…

child creativity develops into innovation

There are many people who don’t see the value in creativity. More people associate being…

the difference between sympathy and empathy

People tend to talk about empathy and sympathy interchangeably. However, while similar,…

How yoga and mindfulness can fight addiction

We all know that yoga, meditation, and mindfulness have been clinically proven to help…

Living happily through meaning

We often chase a life of happiness, but really, happiness is just an emotion felt in the…

Holistic therapies that will improve your life

We all want to live happier, healthier, and more productive lives. The good news is, we…