The same way people are different, so are our life experiences and upbringing during our development years. There is a connection between addiction, violence, and other unhealthy behaviors, in relation to a difficult upbringing or environment. What’s interesting is the varying degrees of resilience seen among different individuals.

For example, there can be 2 women who were sexually violated as youths. One woman turned to alcohol to cope with the trauma, which eventually developed into a serious addiction. While the other woman focused on going to college and pursuing a career as a therapist for women and children coping with damaging sexual experiences. Both experienced the same traumatic experience with equally damaging effects. Why did we see a stronger resilience to move forward in one woman and a more self destructive path for the other?

One idea is that maybe genetics plays a part in swaying our sensitivity and resilience.

It turns out that there’s actually a gene variant, NR3CI, that is found in children that are more sensitive to their environments and more vulnerable to stress.

“This genetic marker is part of the glucocorticoid receptor gene NR3C1 that influences the activity of a receptor to which cortisol binds and is directly involved in the stress response.”

Comparing these children to orchids, they need close nurturing and attention to blossom in a stunning flower. These children have the potential to slip when life gets rough. Those carrying this gene variant are seen to be at higher risk in developing psychological problems by age 25 if not cared for properly. Some of these problems include substance abuse, aggression, and social disorders. They need empathy, social connection, and nurturing to keep them upright. If taken cared of and nurtured through, their future is full of success and beauty.

In regards to those without that particular gene variant, they are compared to the likeliness of dandelions. These flowers, well technically weeds, can grow through the roughest conditions and still manage to push their way out and thrive – like pushing it’s way through the cracks of a concrete sidewalk. These children we would say tend to be more resilient and stronger.

By no means does this mean dandelion children are better than orchid children. But rather, it’s a better awareness on how to approach or treat a child coping through stress. What kind of nurturing does a child need? Children could be born as orchid children, but over the years develop the resilience of dandelions. This is of course due to nurturing and support.

If you or a child experiences a traumatic life event or unhealthy environment, please contact Crownview Medical Group for professional medical advice. The sooner orchid children get the type of nurturing they need, the better. Crownview Medical Group specializes in case management treatments.
